Dirigibles and Submersibles – 36-40

The last installment! I think Page 38 would make a nice image if you copied it and reposted it elsewhere. You can also get a PDF of the whole thing here, if you’d like. Leave a comment, either here or at the Naked Rabbit Facebook page. Go here to look at the other parts: D&S […]

Dirigibles and Submersibles – 31-35

Next Installment: skidding towards a conclusion – a few stories are wrapped up, but not all. Five pages/one post left. Leave a comment, either here or at the Naked Rabbit Facebook page. Go here to look at the other parts: D&S 1-3 D&S 4-6 D&S 7-10 D&S 11-14 D&S 15-18 D&S 19-24 D&S 25-30