New track on “50/50” CD

I’ve got a new audio piece on the “50/50” CD. It’s a collection of collage soundworks, each 5 seconds long, from 50 artists the world over. My piece, “The Gun is Good,” mixes samples from Zardoz, Those Magnificent Men in their Flying Machines, The Bible, and some Drive-In theatre ad.

Jon Nelson of Some Assembly Required and Escape Mechanism is behind the project, which took a few years to complete, probably owing to the general laziness and disorganization of we “artsy” types. He’s only asking a pathetic $10 for the disc, and it can be ordered here. Jon must be a good fellow, because he interviewed me for his site back in 2007 (for the Droplift Project) and then once earlier on as myself (Naked Rabbit). I feel a bit silly to this day to be included in Jon’s list, because it has some real greats on it. Maybe you’ll download his podcasts and listen to some experimental music.

1 comments on “New track on “50/50” CD

  1. Greetings ~

    I would like to get in contact with Naked Rabbit, having listened to him on last night’s Over The Edge show. I found his responses to callers’ questions very clear and sincere.

    With nearly 40 years of teaching behind me, I am now completing a major book on The Art Of Practicing (major endorsers already lined-up) and would like to speak with him about some consulting.

    Cheers, Michael Smolens
    (510) 649-7993

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