Do You Have Time for an HD Hamster?

The new HD version of this video is up on YouTube. Learn about hamsters with the Black Death Metal band “Bloodfïstre.” This dynamic two man team of Ülric Hjammerthrjob and Ümlaüt Ødinsblüt will blast you away with searing skull-crushing METAL!!! Only this time they hope you’ll learn a little about the desert’s wiley rodent friend, […]

Bloodfïstre – Do You Have Time for Hamster?

The Naked Rabbit Music Video Project #4 One music video every month throughout 2012. All original songs, all original production, all original video. May Entry: Learn about hamsters with the Black Death Metal band “Bloodfïstre.” This dynamic two man team of Ülric Hjammerthrjob and Ümlaüt Ødinsblüt will blast you away with searing skull-crushing METAL. Only this […]

I Must Have Blood!

This is definitely a crusty old treasure recovered from the ether, and here’s the story about how it came to be. I happened to find an old Betamax deck on the street sometimes last year. When I stooped to look at it, some kid who lived in the house it belonged to came rushing out. […]