Fake Ads

Here are all the Fake Ads from Go Mad!  See God!  My ashcan for the SDCC this year.

Violent Combat Robots – What are You Doing with Your Eyes?

This little forgotten routine comes from the “Violent Combat Robots” project, originally intended to be a series. While strolling through the archives looking for other material, I stumbled upon it – a short that was made as a”proof of concept” for the VCR series that never went.  The weird animation on her eyes is actually […]

Timing Example #1 – Anime

I was defending anime to a colleague once and I was telling him that I thought most anime shows were brilliantly timed. If you do not have the time, energy, or budget for full animation – as in the case with all television and most of our personal projects – then this kind of timing would be good to know.

Aluminum or Glass 10

Buying a robot can be such a pain. There are so many styles and colors to choose from.