Gesture Drawing Frenzy

It seems I still have a few of these. They’re older drawings and I should be making more new ones. But these are worth something – it’s kind of interesting to see some progression here. This woman carries an unidentified stuffed animal with her wherever she goes. Or is that an actual pet? I remember […]

Pirate Yoga

Another series of gesture drawings. I can’t remember what was going on, but it seems I decided early on that this pirate was doing Yoga. And that a small hamster was going to accompany him.

Sinister Trio

More Gesture Drawings. These are from a Halloween session, no doubt. Dracula lost his contact lens, apparently. Obviously up to no good.   I was thinking of Roy Lichtenstein.

Three Graces

I’ve recently found a massive load of gesture drawings in a drawer. Some of them are a bit old, but I thought I might post a few anyway. My apologies to those who do not want to see a naked cartoon person.   Here are Three Graces: Of course, they are all the same grace, […]


Here’s an illustration I did for a TV pilot. They’re not going to use it, though, so I think it’s safe to post it here. When the show goes to series and becomes terribly expensive and famous we can all remember that I am in no way a part of it. The original is about […]

Teen Radar Comix

Cover for a best-to-be-forgotten zine I made in the 90s. Scanned, recolored. Original is maybe 4″ square, ink on vellum.

Nobody’s Favorite

He would like to be a TV star. He imagines his own show; a couch placed in the middle of the frame and some best buddies to provide comic relief to his comfortable bromides. He thinks about how he lights up a room when he walks in, how people must envy his natural ability to […]

Jerky Cat

Oh GAWD, who let HIM have the mic? We’ll be here all night waiting for him to get through his lousy rendition of “Knights in White Satin.” Look at him wolfing down catnip like there’s no tomorrow – it makes him all sentimental and gropey. Please let this night be over.

The Little Germaid

No one wants to see the adventures of this microbial lass. She is full of impurity and infection! Join her microscopic friends as they multiply at alarming rates, seething with pestilence and wreaking havoc on healthy cells. Watch them all shrivel and die under the influence of antiseptic, or just from drying out and not […]

Dirigibles and Submersibles – 1-3

Back in April of this year I submitted an entry to the Sketchbook Project, run by the Brooklyn Art Library. The concept was that participating artists would fill and donate a Moleskin sketchbook (approx. 80 pages) to their traveling (and eventually permanent) “library.” We were directed to choose one of several given themes, and I […]