May I Melt On?

Regard, a PDF version of a small ashcan comic I gave out at SDCC this year.  It is the compilation of the gesture comics released here plus a few old bits from the site that had never seen “publication.”

Faculty Doodles

Faculty meetings can be pretty dull.  But I’m always only a few pen strokes away from keeping myself entertained.  Over the years I’ve built up quite a collection of doodles from these meetings.  If I had thought a bit, I should have been drawing them in the same book all along.  As it stands, they […]

Last of the Old Gesture Drawings!

This should wrap it up for posting old gesture drawings. I hope to get back to making new ones. The above is actually quite old. It dates back to the 14th century. This drawing looks like I am trying to do some kind of life drawing/cartoon amalgam – and it’s alternately successful and failing at […]

Bring on the Dancing Girls!

Yes! Let the Wild Rumpus begin! More drawings from the file, posted late. How exhausting! After such excessive ecstatic dancing, it’s time for a bit of repose. Although that second one seems to be trying to hypnotize me, and perhaps cause my heart to stop by telekinesis. If she clutches her hand something in my […]

Salacious Drawings

I’m still posting gesture drawings from some time ago. I wish I could say this was leading to something, but it’s not. Fact is that women are more difficult to draw than men. Also, they’re easier. I don’t think there’s a better way to put it. Or maybe I’m just lazy and I always draw […]

Blue Beret and Parasol Girl

That title sounds like a new Action Hero Team from a cartoon channel no one watches. But no, I’m just clearing out the desk a bit here. In fact, I went through hundreds of drawings and threw most of them out. That felt great! These are worth keeping because they usually show some kind of […]

Gesture Drawing Frenzy

It seems I still have a few of these. They’re older drawings and I should be making more new ones. But these are worth something – it’s kind of interesting to see some progression here. This woman carries an unidentified stuffed animal with her wherever she goes. Or is that an actual pet? I remember […]

Pirate Yoga

Another series of gesture drawings. I can’t remember what was going on, but it seems I decided early on that this pirate was doing Yoga. And that a small hamster was going to accompany him.

Sinister Trio

More Gesture Drawings. These are from a Halloween session, no doubt. Dracula lost his contact lens, apparently. Obviously up to no good.   I was thinking of Roy Lichtenstein.

Three Graces

I’ve recently found a massive load of gesture drawings in a drawer. Some of them are a bit old, but I thought I might post a few anyway. My apologies to those who do not want to see a naked cartoon person.   Here are Three Graces: Of course, they are all the same grace, […]